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The Nordic MDS Group (NMDSG) is a scientific and educational organisation aiming to improve management for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes, and to facilitate MDS-related research. The group was founded in 1984 and encompass all Nordic countries. NMDSG provides guidelines for MDS management on-line and patient information in the different Nordic languages. The group runs a program for investigator-initiated clinical trials, as well as biobank and diagnostic projects.

The Nordic organisation consists of national and regional coordinators, ensuring that competence is available for patients with MDS, irrespective of where they live. The group is open for professionals with an interest in the disease. Clinical trials and other research projects performed within the frame of NMDSG are presented at the website and the organisation ensures that novel clinical information is included in the Nordic guidelines. NMDSG receives since many years support from the Nordic Cancer Union and participates in a number of EU projects and other international projects.

Our website aims at serving study group members and Nordic hematologists and to provide basic information for patients. The open pages include contact information and short descriptions of on-going research protocols. The Nordic Guidelines for management of MDS was first published in November 2004 and is regularly updated. Member pages contain study protocols and information. From 2016, there will be a case forum enabling discussion of individual cases.

The bi-annual NMDSG meetings and other national and international meetings with relevance for the subject are announced at the website. With the new website format launched 2016, we aim for more interaction between professionals with an interest in the disease.  


Professor, Chair Karolinska University Hopsital Huddinge

Karolinska Institutet

Stockholm, Sweden

Kirsten Grønbæk

Professor, Co-Chair Rigshospitalet/BRIC

University of Copenhagen

Copenhagen, Denmark