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WHO 2008 classification of MDS


Blood findings

Bone marrow findings

Refractory cytopenias with unilineage dysplasia (RCUD)

Refractory anaemia (RA)

Refractory neutropenia (RN)

Refractory thrombocytopenia (RT)

Unicytopenia or bicytopenia1

No or rare blasts (<1%)

Unilineage dysplasia

≥ 10% of the cells of the affected lineage are dysplastic

<5% blasts

<15% of the erythroid precursors are ring sideroblasts

Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts (RARS)


No blasts

Erythroid dysplasia only

≥ 15% of erythroid precursors are ring sideroblasts

Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia (RCMD)


No or rare blasts (<1%)2

No Auer rods

<1x109/l monocytes

Dysplasia in ≥ 10% of cells in two or more myeloid lineages (neutrophil and/or erythroid precursors and/or megakaryocytes)

<5% blasts

No Auer rods

±15% ring sideroblasts

Refractory anaemia with excess blasts-1 (RAEB-1)


<5% blasts

No Auer rods

<1x109/l monocytes

Unilineage or multilineage dysplasia

5-9% blasts2

No Auer rods

Refractory anaemia with excess blasts-2 (RAEB-2)


5-19% blasts

Auer rods ±3

<1x109/l monocytes

Unilineage or multilineage dysplasia

10-19% blasts

Auer rods±

Myelodysplastic syndrome – unclassified (MDS-U)


≤ 1% blasts2

Unequivocal dysplasia in less than 10% of cells in one or more myeloid cell lines

<5% blasts2

MDS associated with isolated del(5q)


Usually normal or increased platelet count

No or rare blasts (<1%)

Normal to increased megakaryocytes with hypolobated nuclei

<5% blasts

Isolated del(5q) cytogenetic abnormality

No auer rods


1Bicytopenia may occasionally be observed. Cases with pancytopenia should be classified as MDS-U

2If the marrow myeloblast percentage is <5% but there are 2-4% myeloblasts in the blood, the diagnostic classification is RAEB-1. If the marrow myeloblast percentage is <5% and there are 1% myeloblasts in the blood, the case should be classified as MDS-U.

3Cases with Auer rods and <5% myeloblasts in the blood and <10% in the marrow should be classified as RAEB-2


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